The Guinea Group's Guide to Transformational Leadership

Discover The Guinea Group's leadership development initiatives aimed at enhancing executive capabilities.

It highlights effective training programs and their measurable results in improving leadership performance. Dive in to learn more!


Leading Under Pressure: The Guinea Group’s Roadmap to Staying Centered

Discover how The Guinea Group’s leadership strategies help leaders thrive under pressure!

Anton shares his powerful approach to staying calm, making conscious decisions, and fostering psychologically safe environments. Read more and level up your leadership game

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Australia’s 2024 Top 50 Small Business Leaders

Anton has been recognised as one of Australia’s 2024 Top 50 Small Business Leaders.

This honor reflects his dedication to uplifting, upgrading, and upskilling leaders across various sectors. His insights and commitment to fostering high-performing teams make a significant impact on the business community.

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Thought Leadership Awards - Business Services - STEVIE AWARD

Through his continued efforts in delivering excellent service, Anton has been awarded the BRONZE Stevie Award in the Thought Leadership Awards – Business Services category.

This recognition highlights Anton’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of leadership and making a significant impact in the business services sector.

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Top 5 Best in Business Leaders - Individual 2024 by GCCI

Anton has been recognised as one of the Top 5 Best in Business Leaders – Individual 2024 by the GCCI (Gladstone Chamber of Commerce & Industry).

This prestigious acknowledgment reflects Anton’s outstanding leadership, vision, and dedication to driving business success. Anton’s commitment to excellence continues to set him apart as a transformative leader in the industry

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The New Portrait Of Leadership: Anton Guinea On Which Legacy Ideas About Leadership Need To Be Discarded, And Which New Approaches To Leadership Should Be Embraced

Explores evolving perspectives on leadership. Anton Guinea challenges traditional leadership concepts and offers fresh insights into what makes a leader truly effective in today’s world

Check it out to discover how adapting your leadership style can create a more impactful legacy.

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Anton Guinea and The Guinea Group: Redefining Leadership Under Pressure

Discover how The Guinea Group is transforming traditional leadership paradigms. It highlights innovative approaches and strategies that challenge outdated models and embrace more effective, contemporary practices.

Dive in to see how The Guinea Group is setting new standards in leadership and what you can learn from their approach.

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The Effect of Unions on the Modern Workplace

Don’t miss this insightful interview with Anton as he dives deep into the impact of unions on today’s workplace! Discover the benefits unions have brought over time and how they continue to shape the modern work environment.

Tune in now to learn why understanding the role of unions is crucial for both employees and leaders alike!

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How Women Treated in a Male-dominated Workplace

Gender equality has been a pressing topic for a while, not just in workplaces but across society. It encompasses issues like mistreatment, violence, and harassment. In this conversation, we’ll shed light on how women have been treated and the progress they’ve made over the years, finding their voices, and influencing positive changes in various fields.

Tune in as Anton shares valuable insights on the crucial role of leadership support in fostering a culture of inclusivity and gender equality.

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New Opportunities in Apprenticeships and Issues in Employee Health, Safety, and Environment.

Each new year presents fresh possibilities for young individuals to participate in apprenticeships. How can we direct young people toward trades rather than mischief? The discussion also explored the subject of workplace health and safety. Are employers paying attention to the lasting effects on employees well-being?

Join us to discover Anton’s viewpoint on these matters in conversation with Pulse’s Robert Cameron.

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Massive Shifts in Apprenticeship Programs within Organisations

Over the years, the number of apprentices in an organisation has decreased due to economic changes and people’s choices. The big question now is: Do we need more apprenticeships? How do we encourage the younger generation to become apprentices and develop more skills? Find out what Anton thinks about it as part of his chat with Pulse’s Robert Cameron.

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Anton talks about his story on ABC Radio

Dive into Anton’s gripping journey from near-death on ABC Radio, where he unveils a powerful narrative that propelled him to pursue Workplace Safety. His mission extends beyond the physical realm, delving into the crucial domain of Psychological Safety. Tune in to hear Anton’s transformative story.

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TedTalks comes to St Mary's College in Maryborough

Anton took the TEDx stage at St Mary’s College in Maryborough. Uncover the secrets to upgrading one’s perspective with resilience, upskilling perspective taking with reframing, and upskilling perspective by caring for others. Listen to discover how Anton inspired the next generation of leaders to make wiser decisions and consider the ripple effect of our choices!

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Leadership Under Pressure: Creating Conscious Control

Listen in as Anton shares valuable insights on maintaining emotional control and keeping calm under intense workplace pressure. Tune in to learn about Anton’s practical approaches to cultivating a blame-free environment, encouraging psychological and physical safety, and creating conscious control to lead effectively under pressure on the Safety Guru with Eric Michrowski.

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Casual Employment Changes

What will the new changes to casual employment for employees mean to your business? Are you concerned? Should you be? Find out what Anton thinks about it, as part of his chat with the Pulse’s Robert Cameron.

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Dietless Living® An interview with Anton Guinea

Anton Guinea was invited by Katie Gordon to speak about the crisis situations that shaped his life.

And how, as a result of his experiences, he chose to build a career in helping others advance through adversity and overcome times of crisis.

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Emotional Control in Leadership

The NRMA’s 2021 Courteous Driving Survey found that 71% of drivers had experienced road rage over the previous year. In times of pressure, we tend to let emotions get the better of us. The same can be said for leadership.

In a conversation with Stephen Cenatiempo from 2CC Breakfast, Anton shares insights into how to stay in control of our emotions, so we can respond rather than react.

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Why a Whistle Blower Policy is Important

For some organisations, it is a legal requirement to have a whistle-blower policy. In this conversation, Anton and Stephen chat about why a whistle blower policy is important, and how we can protect those that come forward to report inappropriate business conduct.

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Leadership Under Pressure

In this conversation with Rob Cameron on The Pulse 94.7FM, Anton and Rob unpack how leaders can be more aware of the pressure that their teams are under, and how they can lead in a way that doesn’t amplify that pressure. In a way that reduces it, and puts team members first.

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98.5 Sunshine FM: Why you Should Invest in Businesses Led by Women

According to a recent study entitled 'Beyond Lip Service: tracking the impact of the gender diversity gap' gender-diverse senior leadership teams generate significantly higher profit margins – a whopping 30% higher!

So, is the gender diversity gap actually closing? Australia appears to have caught up, but there’s still a lot of work to be done. Anton caught up with Mike Crichton to discuss further.

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Being Grateful

In this conversation with Rob Cameron on The Pulse 94.7FM, Anton and Rob unpack the power of gratitude. And how important gratitude is for a happy life, and a resilient life. The conversation considers how easy it is to be grateful, if you decide to be, and how much value it adds for not just you, but for others, too. Be grateful and say thank you more, is the message.

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Saving Brothers: Leadership Under Pressure

How does Anton Guinea go about facilitating as a leader? He asks the right questions, listens intently and follows a clear process.

Philip Robison from Saving Brothers unpacks this methodology, and asks Anton the following:

Why are leadership under pressure skills important?
How can leaders be better at leading under pressure?
Why is emotional intelligence and emotional control the key?
What can new leaders do to deal with the pressure of leadership?

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Is it safe being in public facing roles in 2022?

A recent report shows that the Real Estate industry is one of the most dangerous industries in Australia.

In this interview Anton Guinea talks with Stephen Cenatiempo, from 2CC Breakfast, about how ANGER-22 has overtaken COVID-19 and how public facing roles, like Real Estate Agents and Property Managers, are bearing the brunt of this new pandemic.

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Why you should keep a gratitude journal

Anton chats with Steven at Radio 2CC about why you should keep a gratitude journal and what he’s learnt so far in his personal challenge of journaling every day this year.

If you want to start practicing gratitude, check out our 1 Month Gratitude Journal here.

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Working through difficult times

In this interview with Rob Cameron on The Pulse 94.7FM, we initially set out to talk about workplace hazards other than the usual slips, trips and falls, but in light of the recent floods across QLD and Northern NSW, our chat quickly changed to focus on how people in these areas are working through incredibly difficult times. And how self preservation kicks in when things go BOOM!

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What it means to create conscious control and emotional control

Anton and Robert chat about what it means to create conscious control, and emotional control. And how that shows up in the care leaders have for their teams and team members. As an added bonus, Anton unpacks the ‘contagiousness of our emotional state’

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Are Employees Expecting More from their Leaders?

The pandemic has changed the way that employees think and the way that they are perceived, which raises the question, are employees expecting more from their leaders?

In this interview Anton Guinea talks with Stephen Cenatiempo, from 2CC Breakfast, about how it is now critical to change workplace cultures and how leaders can meet their employees expectations.

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Inside Small Business: Why personal psychological safety is critical for business leaders

Leaders are busy. They’re burnt out. They need self-care as much as we all do. But they put it off, they don’t believe it, or they undervalue how much it will help them. What leaders (and Type A personalities in general) believe is that leading and life is somewhat of a competition…

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Taking a Stand on Workplace Bullying

The pandemic has highlighted that poor leadership stems from the top of organisations and the great resignation has shown that employees are no longer accepting of that type of leadership.

Anton was invited back to the Front Page to talk about how employees are taking a stand on workplace bullying.

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Are We Getting Sick of Bullies in Business Suits?

Nearly 10% of employees have been subjected to workplace bullying.

In this interview Anton Guinea talks with Stephen Cenatiempo, from 2CC Breakfast, about toxic work cultures, the impacts these environments have on employees in the long term and how leaders behaviours are the key to changing a culture in a workplace.

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Vaccine Mandates in the Workplace: Navigating Your Rights

Vaccinations have been a hot topic for a few months now, especially in Western Australia where vaccine mandates have come into play for certain roles.

Anton was invited to chat with Pablo at Triple M Karratha to chat about what you can do if your boss asks to see your vaccination status.

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The BBMC Crib Room Podcast: Psychological Safety and Big Lessons with Anton Guinea

Hosts Sarah-Joy Pierce and Jodie Currie chat to the Anton Guinea about the importance of psychological safety, and how leaders can create psychologically safe teams in the mining environment. Find out what happened the day that Anton nearly didn’t come home from work and why it’s important for people to bring their ‘whole selves’ to work, including the effects of industrial manslaughter legislation on the practicalities of safety culture!

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Don’t die from skin cancer

We were all told to slip, slop, slap when we were younger, but has that lesson fallen on deaf ears over time? Listen to Anton Guinea and Stephen Cenatiempo as they unpack how much of the Australian public health and safety messages surrounding sun safety have lost their impact today.

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The sad reality of the Christmas period

In Victoria Workplace Safety, one quarter of all workplace fatalities occur between November – December. Workplace injuries are magnified in the lead up to Christmas, as pressure is placed on companies and workers to get work done quickly.

Anton was invited back to the Front Page to explain how individuals can stay in control and lead under pressure, even in the most stressful of situations.

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Workplace safety during Christmas

According to WorkSafe statistics, more workers die in the weeks leading up to Christmas than at any other time of year. Safety leadership expert Anton Guinea offers some tips on keeping workers safe this Christmas.

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Does masculinity pose a threat to workplace safety?

The current Tasmanian mining workforce is an overwhelmingly male dominated landscape, with only 10% of women represented in the industry.

With a recent study identifying masculinity as a driver of workplace injuries, Anton Guinea was invited on ABC Drive to discuss the link between gender expectations and safety culture.

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How can leaders empower workers to engage with safety?

A lack of empowerment among workers is one of the biggest challenges for organisations looking to improve safety mindfulness. Ahead of his involvement in the AIHS Electrical Safety Conference, Anton Guinea explains that, until workers feel like they own the safety culture of an organisation and until leaders provide them with authority and empowerment, organisations cannot expect a change in safety culture.

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7NEWS: Safety leadership expert Anton Guinea speaks on Emerald mine tragedy

A horrific collapse of an Emerald coal mine led to Graham Dawson’s tragic death. The 60 year old worker is the ninth person to die at a Queensland mine since 2018.

Safety leadership expert Anton Guinea appeared on 7News as industry leaders speak up for change.

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Gladstone Today: New Safety Workshop is Being Heard

The Guinea Group partnered with Walz Group to conduct an epic 3 month program of employee engagement workshops, which moved the hearts and minds of almost 300 team members.

Read our Walz Group case study to learn more about the impact of this program, as featured in Gladstone Today.

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Anton Guinea on 5 Minutes for Me

5 Minutes for me is an app created to give some positive reinforcement in the lives of individuals and businesses.

Listen as Anton shares his top psychological safety tips. You can find more helpful 5 minute presentations on topics such as mental health, wellness, mindset, productivity, wellbeing and stress here.

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Rob Cameron's Front Page: Tradies National Health Month

In this interview, Anton and Robert unpack what front line safety really looks like and what it will take to help tradies and workers stay safe at work. Then, they digress … Anton gets excited, and starts talking about how psychology affects our emotions and our behaviour. And, how we impact others with our emotional state. A great chat – these two really get along!

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Tradies shouldn't be suffering in silence

During this interview, Anton chats with Stephen Cenatiempo, from 2CC Breakfast, about how to create a safe working culture for our Tradies (it is still Tradies National Health Month). The real opportunities are around removing the macho stereo-typing and empowering leaders and supervisors to support tradies to stay psychologically and physically safe.

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ABC Radio: Tradies National Health Month

60% of tradies are carrying some sort of physical injury. It is Tradies National Health month, let’s encourage tradies to talk about their physical and the psychological health! Here, Anton speaks to the ABC’s Kim Napier about Tradies and their physical and mental condition.

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Leadership and psychological safety with Anton Guinea

Anton joins Christian Harris from Slip Safety Services to share their respective accident histories and how this drives them both on to promote proactivity in safety and risk.

Listen in on this interesting discussion, as two survivors discuss whether the word ‘lucky’ should be applied to people who’ve suffered accidents, as well as many more thought-provoking concepts.

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Leadership Mission for Former Sparkie

Anton was invited on The Experts podcast, to speak with Nic Hayes about a safety topic gaining enormous attention: bullying and sexual misconduct in the workplace. Specifically, its psychological implications. Bad behaviour is now being called out and Anton sees this as an extremely important safety issue for workplaces in the future.

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Rob Cameron's Front Page: Social dialogue on workplace sexual harassment

In the wake of Grace Tame being appointed as Australian of the Year, and the bravery of Brittany Higgins coming forward to tell her story, the long-standing issue of sexual harassment is no longer hidden away from public view.

Anton was invited to the Front Page, to discuss why it is so important to continue the narrative put in place by survivors, and how to ensure change happens in the workplace.

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Mitchell's Front Page: Burying sexual harassment isn’t the answer

Safety Leadership Expert Anton Guinea spoke about how industries should be responding to reports of sexual harassment.

“As a society, we’re increasingly dealing with issues of gender change and mental health. So, why are we not addressing sexual harassment, including the behaviour causing it and the impact on the individual?"

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Is being tired a valid reason to take a day off?

Sleep-deprived workers are 70% more likely to be involved in workplace accidents. This correlation is alarming, particularly when it has been reported that over a third of Australians do not get enough sleep. Anton spoke with Rod Henshaw about why a sleepless night should be a legitimate reason for a sick day.

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How do we avoid workplace accidents during an industry boom?

Recent economic upheaval has been great for the growth of Australia’s construction industry and workforce. However, more activity opens up more opportunities for workplace accidents. Anton was invited back on to The Pulse 94.7FM to discuss who should be responsible for the priority of safety.

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How do safety systems need to improve to ensure that less lives are lost on our construction sites?

Anton was invited to speak to Edith Cowan University, to shed a light on some of the industry’s vulnerabilities caused by poor safety culture and suggest what changes need to be made to improve safety systems and ultimately save lives.

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Anton Guinea on Connecting Industry Podcast

Resource Industry Media’s Connecting Industry Podcast series connects you with the stories of the people who work in the resource and construction sector throughout Australia.

Anton was invited to share his founding story of The Guinea Group, and discusses how the company supports leaders to create high performing teams and an environment of psychological and physical safety.

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7 NEWS Central Queensland: Anton Guinea shares his story

Anton Guinea was invited to 7 NEWS on World Day for Safety and Health at Work, to share his harrowing story about how he narrowly escaped death when an industrial switchboard exploded, leaving him with second-degree burns over his body.

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6PR: How an electric shock survivor is helping prevent workplace deaths

Speaking with 6PR’s Steve Mills, Anton delves into how he narrowly escaped death when an industrial switchboard exploded, leaving him with second-degree burns to parts of his body.
Anton discusses how complacency led him, as a young 21-year-old electrical apprentice, to his electrocution, and how since the accident, he has dedicated his work to transforming workplace safety culture.

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Pablo for Breakfast: What are Australia's Riskiest Jobs and Why?

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen an unfortunate upward trend in workplace fatalities. In 2020, 187 Australians lost their lives at work. Anton spoke to Pablo Miller to shed a light on Australia’s riskiest jobs. The results might surprise you.

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Mitchell's Front Page: How do we keep apprentices safe?

With the federal government recently announcing plans to invest largely in up to 70,000 new apprenticeships, Anton Guinea was invited to Mitchell’s Front Page to warn of the risks to young workers and apprentices at work.

Anton discusses how investment in safety leadership and safety training is imperative to making sure that young people can go to work and arrive home safely, everyday.

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Anton Guinea on The Jay Allen Show

Anton was invited on to The Jay Allen Show, to share his story about surviving a near-fatal work incident which changed the course of his entire life. Anton and Jay discuss everything from the long road to recovery, to leadership, workplace safety and honing skills in public speaking and writing.

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Are your workers feeling safe?

Anton Guinea spoke to Mitchell’s Front Page about how the disruptions caused by COVID-19 has impacted the psychological safety of workers across Australia. Listen to Anton’s advice on how leaders can make their workplace safe as they navigate the new normal.

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Rob Cameron's Front Page: Safety Leadership with Anton Guinea

Anton Guinea was invited by Rob Cameron to continue their discussion on safety culture in Australian workplaces. With small businesses winding back up, taking on new staff learning new tasks, this discussion on Safety Leadership is necessary to listen to.

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Pedestrians urged to stay aware as e-scooters pose an extra hazard

Canberra’s pedestrians have faced extra challenges in recent years with the arrival of light rail, and now e-scooters have joined the mix. Stephen Cenatiempo spoke to safety leadership expert Anton Guinea, who says everyone needs to take their share of responsibility for staying safe on our roads and paths.

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2GB Overnight with Michael McLaren: How Safe is your Holiday?

It’s time of year when many of us are relaxing, having fun, holidaying and recuperating after a big year. It’s also the time of year when we take more risks than we normally would. But what dangers are we exposing ourselves to? Clinton Maynard is joined by Anton Guinea to find out how to strike the right balance of letting your hair down in the holidays and staying safe.

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Electricity: The Silent Killer

Safety Leadership Expert Anton Guinea chats with Damien Fisher from FM 103.1, about the vital importance of being safe and aware of electricity. Tune in for advice which may save your life.

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Live with Obsessed: Annette Densham & Anton Guinea discuss Being a Man in 2020

Annette Densham caught up with Anton Guinea on Facebook Live, to ask what it meant to be a man in 2020. Rewatch their honest and frank discussion about men, leadership and society at large.

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Rob Cameron's Front Page: Interview with Anton Guinea on Australia's Workplace Safety Culture

Between January-December 2020, 150 lives were lost to workplace accidents in Australia. While our country has come leaps and bounds in the last five years, just 1 life lost is too many. Anton spoke to Rob Cameron about why he is so passionate about workplace safety culture, and discusses what leaders, individuals and workplaces should be doing to save lives.

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Extus Justin Interviews Anton Guinea

Anton spoke to Extus Justin about care factor leadership and how he uses this concept to drive effective safety solutions for business. This interview was streamed live via Facebook, now you can watch the replay.

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Anton Guinea on Psychological Safety

Anton joined Adam from The Gladstone Regional Construction Hub on Facebook Live to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on individuals and teams; its effects on psychological safety, as well as how The Guinea Group has harnessed this unprecedented time to do some serious self-reflection.

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Trina Talk: Leadership is About Caring and Inspiring w/ Anton Guinea

Trina Talk is a weekly unscripted conversation that will inspire, educate, and empower people of all ages and in all stages of life to focus, pursue their purpose, and keep striving to create the personal or professional life they deserve. Trina shares her experiences alongside speaking with brilliant people from around the world who are leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs, and influencers on their struggles and successes which led them to create the life they desired.

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The Get More Success Show: Success in Life, Business and Triathlons

Anton spoke to Warwick Merry of his thrill in reaching the goal line – in both his sporting and business life. Tune in as Anton explains how he applies lessons learnt from representing Australia in triathlons to further improve his clients’ businesses as well as his own.

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What's going on in the workplace 2023

Anton talks about what is currently going on, in workplaces in Australia and around the world. As well as the effects we are still seeing from COVID.

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Sir Don's letter coming home to Gladstone

Anton Guinea says he and his wife Julie “freaked out” when they found out a treasured possession was featured prominently in an article in The Observer earlier this week….

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Parklands have atmosphere unlike any other spot

Watching the sunrise over a harbour that never sleeps is a treasured experience for Anton Guinea…

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Running mates hit the road to ride bikes to Brisbane

They are two men from Gladstone, drawn together by their love of exercise, particularly triathlons. But Anton Guinea and Mark Veach did not take long to work out that they had more in common, both having gone through traumatic experiences earlier in their lives…

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Find some passion outside of work life

We lose our health to make money; then lose that money to restore our health. While worrying about future, we forget to live. Work-life balance has long been touted as the silver bullet for any business person out there that needs to spend less time at the office, and more time at home with the kids…

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I was in an explosion that gave me second degree burns

”I’d just met my girlfriend when the accident happened. Would she still want me?…”

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Anton uses experience to help burns victims

When Anton Guinea was burned in a worksite accident at Orica in 1994 it never dawned on him that years later he would use the experience to help others.

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Author's Profile: Anton Guinea

Anton Guinea is an Australian success story. He is an energetic, engaging and successful entrepreneur who can show you how to change your life and your business by implementing the strategies that have made him successful…

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Gladstone Regional Council engages TGG to deliver leadership training and coaching

In 2023, The Guinea Group (TGG) was engaged by Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) to deliver a leadership program for 15 of the GRC leadership team.

The training and coaching program was built around the GRC Leadership Capability Framework. TGG were engaged to take that framework and develop a training and coaching program that supported the leaders to develop the key skills within that framework and implement them within Council.

The program commenced with a one-day training program, and continued with a three-month coaching program, that commenced in March 2023. And will be completed by June 2023.

As a local business, TGG was grateful to be given the opportunity to support the development of the leaders at GRC, and to deliver such an important program for their leaders.

Read the official media release here.

Contact Us

Interested in Anton’s speaking services for your event or interview? Connect with us here for enquiries and bookings. Anton is ready to bring energy and insight to your audience.